Monday, September 30, 2019

Is the Most Important Asset of an Organization

Question : â€Å"Human Resource (employees) is the most important asset of an organization. † Introduction Traditionally, human resource focused mainly on administrative functions and process personnel management. However, due to technology advancement, administrative tasks have reduced. The role of human resource has shifted and seems to be taking up more responsibility in company strategic planning and development. This theory has been supported in the work of Noe et al (2010, p. 719) Durai (2010, p. 109) stated, â€Å"Employees are the precious asset of an organization†.In view of this statement, human resource planning plays an important role to optimize the utilization of its asset in term of cost and productivity. Involvement with company’s strategic planning will allow human resource department to have a broader view of employees’ skill requirement and deployment. Ineffective planning will cause a hindrance to employee satisfactory and organization success. In this paper, we will study how the theory of compensation management, job rotation, recognition and training will motivate employees.Correspondence to these theories, organization will gain in productivity and profit once the employees are appeased with the working environment. Employee engagement with the organization Employees’ talent and efforts have tangible effects on an organization’s productivity and stability. And such efforts are often been neglected and fail to satisfy employees’ needs. When employees’ efforts are not recognized, there will be a lack of commitment to the organization. Thus, employees will not be motivated and will be less creative. Effectiveness of Compensation ManagementIn order to facilitate the achievement of an organization’s goals and key values, compensation management plays an important role in human resource management function. Employees should be managed properly and motivated by providing the best co mpensation system based on the job done and its result. A good compensation system will attract and retain skilled and productive employees. (Pattanayak B, p. 284) According to Armstrong (2002, p. 8), the compensation system consists of a total remuneration of direct financial rewards (fixed wage and variable pay) and employee benefits (annual leave and sick leave).And, non-financial rewards such is job recognition, opportunities for career advancement and personal growth are also part of the compensation system. Diagram 2 shows the list of financial and non-financial rewards that an organization can apply under the compensation system. [pic] Noe et al. (2010, p. 547) mentioned that employees’ emotion and function towards the organization is mainly influence by the compensation payout. Difference in individual personal characteristic will draw people to different compensation systems.A great solution to compensate employees in the organization is to adapt combination program rather that one program over another. List of compensation programs are merit pay, incentive pay, profit sharing, ownership, gain sharing, and skill-based pay. Merit pay is one of the best rewarding compensation programs. Employees are measured and payout annually based on the individuals performance appraisal rated by employees’ supervisor. Many companies in Singapore are adapting this compensation program for their permanent staffs. Employees will be more motivated when their performances are recognized and their basic pay is increased.Another example of compensation program is incentive pay. Incentive pay is usually seen in organization with sales team that brings in revenue and profit that will gain market share for the company. Employees with higher performance will gain in such compensation program as they measured based on the amount of products or services sold and the payout is not part on the employee’s basic pay. Payment will be earned on a weekly or monthly basis depending on the organization’s policy. Once an individual is motivated by such monetary rewards, he will sell more products and services for the rganization. However, if the compensation program is not well planned, it will have a negative effect to the organization to support its business objectives. As mentioned in the article by Daly D (2009), skilled-based pay is the remuneration to payout employees with a better skilled knowledge that related to the job. Employees who have attained new skill and knowledge will be compensated more comparing to their co-colleagues. Taking an example of a technician in a manufacturing organization, he will be rewarded once he has completed the machine repair and maintenance program.In order for him to continue to be compensated with better basic pay, he has to continue to upgrade his skillsets. Once the employees’ market value has increased, he will be motivated to contribute more to the organization and improve productivity. Effectiveness of Job Rotation & Recognition Apart from monetary rewards, job rotation has a function to motivate employees to enhance their skill knowledge and contribute more to the organization. Job rotation is systematic procedure whereby individual employee is shifted from current position or department to another in a given period of time.Employees will be multi skilled and able to support the organization when skillsets are required. When a job is less lifeless or monotonous, employees will perform better and improve productivity. Hence, employees will gain a promotion and increase their income. (Noe et al, p. 430) Effectiveness of Recognition Recognize and reward are exactly what the employees in the organization looking forward for a better growth in their career. The right motivation will influence the employees’ behavior and in return employees will achieve the organization’s goals and objective and strive for higher productivity.Once the employees are satis fied and feel rewarded, it is unlikely for them to leave the organization. Employees will dedicated their skill and time for the organization. Therefore, the management should always be enthusiastically recognizing the talented and hardworking individuals to create a healthier working environment for the employees to come to work happily every day. Effectiveness of Training and Development Engaging employees with training and development are the two fundamental components in an organization.Both training and development do co-exist, as training will provide the skillsets and knowledge for the employees’ needs in the job. Whereas, development is a process to prepare employees in gaining new skills and knowledge for forthcoming demand in the current job or a job that do not exist. When employees obtained new skills and knowledge, it will improve the quality of the work. Organization will take the opportunities to attract and retain talented employees to gain profits and product ivity. This theory is support by Noe et al. (2010, p. 87) ConclusionEmployees are still an integral part of a company, being important assets. They must be constantly motivated and rewarded financial or non-financial on effort done on the job. Thus, human resource management has to balance the needs and achieve the goals and objective of both employees and the organization. Once the employees gained the recognition from the organization, they will produce better results and profits. Reference Armstrong M, 2002: Employees Rewards, London: CIPD Publishing. Durai P, 2010: Human Resource Management, New Delhi: Dorling Kindersley (India) Pvt Ltd.Noe, Hollenbeck, Gerhart, Wright, 2010: Human Resource Management Gaining A Competitive Advantage, 7th Edition: New York, McGraw-Hill. Pattanayak B, 2006: Human Resource Management, 3rd Edition: New Delhi, Prentice Hall of India Private Limited. Daly D, 2009. Employee Relations, Motivation, Performance Management, DeGarmo Group. Available http:// www. degarmogroup. com/index. php/2009/03/the-effectiveness-of-skill-based-pay-systems/ [1 Dec 2010] Own Referencing Employee reward Michael Armstrong CIPD Publishing, 2002 – 573 pages http://books. google. com/books? d=keiVwGxm3i0C&pg=PA363&dq=financial+and+non+financial+rewards&hl=en&ei=lELSTtXwHYLorQeht-XnDA&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=1&ved=0CDcQ6AEwAA#v=snippet&q=total%20remuneration&f=false Durai P, Human Resource Management, Pearson Education India Page109 http://books. google. com. sg/books? id=cRAvCCsN2e0C&pg=PA109&dq=what+the+point+on+human+resource+is+an+asset+to+organisation&hl=en&ei=58zRTti1K9HnrAeGjOnGDA&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=3&ved=0CEIQ6AEwAg#v=onepage&q=what%20the%20point%20on%20human%20resource%20is%20an%20asset%20to%20organisation&f=false pic] Ronel Kleynhans, Human Resource Management 2006 Page 6 Pearson South Africa, 1 Mar, 2006 – Business & Economics – 310 pages http://books. google. com. sg/books? id=8_acBYy_77oC&pg= PA6&dq=HRM+-+employee+is+an+asset&hl=en&ei=bbHRTsf8LYHTrQf1pakw&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=4&ved=0CEAQ6AEwAw#v=onepage&q=HRM%20-%20employee%20is%20an%20asset&f=false Human Resource Management 3Rd Ed. Biswajeet Pattanayak PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd. , 1 Mar, 2005 – 504 pages http://books. google. com/books? id=dF7G0yZ51GgC&dq=compensation+management&a mp;source=gbs_navlinks_s [pic]Ultimate Small Business Marketing Guide James Stephenson, Courtney Thurman Entrepreneur Press, 4 Jan, 2007 – Business & Economics – 478 pages http://books. google. com/books? id=algx60Sbqo0C&dq=training+program+to+motivate&source=gbs_navlinks_s Industrial/Organizational Psychology: An Applied Approach Michael G. Aamodt Striking a balance between research, theory, and application, the sixth edition of INDUSTRIAL/ORGANIZATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY: AN APPLIED APPROACH http://books. google. com/books? id=TgE7zklRjHgC&dq=training+program+to+motivate&source=gbs_navlinks_s David Daly http://www. egarmogroup. com/index. php/2009/03/the-effectiveness-of-skill-based-pay-systems/ Encyclopaedic Dictionary of Organization Behaviour Rahul Arora – 2000 – 573 pages – Full viewSarup & Sons, 1 Jan, 2000 – 573 pages Recognition & Reward Program Best Practices By Derek Irvine, Globoforce | April 15, 2011 http://www. hrmtoday. com/talent/human-resources-management/recognition-reward-program-best-practices/ Make Their Day! Employee Recognition That Works: Proven Ways to Boost Morale, Productivity, and Profits Cindy Ventrice ReadHowYouWant. com, 6 Aug, 2010 – Business & Economics – 336 pages

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Contributing factors toward SWB of the Institutionalized Elderly Essay

Apart from delineating the cognitive and affective indicators of SWB, this study also attempted to identify the possible factors which contribute to SWB. A host of factors were identified in the largely western literature. These are presented in the succeeding pages. Physical Health: Health is one of the most important variables in predicting whether people are happy (Campbell et al. , 1976). The World Health Organization defines health as, the optimal functioning of the human organism to meet biological, psychological, ethical and spiritual needs (Emeth & Greenhut, 1991). In this study the elderly were said to have ‘optimal functioning’ when he or she had basic competence, which was necessary for maintenance of independent living (Martin, 2001). In the case of the elderly in the study it was denoted by their ability for personal care on their own. It also pertained to mental health, which was a state where the elderly were not prone to depression, or other mental illness, and did not have any major cognitive impairments. Autonomy: Autonomy could be equated to having the capacity for selfdetermination, independence, internal locus of control, and internal regulation of behavior (Ryff, 1989). Having a sense of being in control (autonomy) means that one’s thoughts and actions are one’s own and not determined by others. It is related to physical health too as it gives a sense of mastery over situations. It is important for all and particularly for the elderly to maintain that sense of control or autonomy because a sense of losing control of one’s life or one’s power is to in some ways lose one’s worth, which can have detrimental effect on one’s physical as well as psychological health. Money/Income: Income or money is importantly related to a sense of well-being in old age (Diener, 1984) and the elderly in the study may or may not enjoy financial security Money is important probably because of the sense of security that they experience when they have enough money which could implicitly affect their sense of autonomy and self-worth. Family Relationships: Family is a natural institution constant across time and space which is a very close and intimate group and one’s sense of well-being is sustained by membership in this primary group, as it provides a sense of security, connectedness, and belongingness to the aged. There are no substitutes for the close relationship in the experience of well-being in the case of the aged. In the case of the elderly in the study, family relationship is limited to this intimate group consisting of the spouse, children and grandchildren as the extended family is almost nonexistent in the given context. Friendship: Friendship or close relationship with members of the same age group often sharing personal characteristics, life styles, values and experiences is a source of enjoyment, socializing, and reminiscing the past; promote a higher satisfaction among the older adults (Sorensen & Pinquart, 2000). In the given situation it could be long standing friends from the past, and or the friendship developed among the co-residents of the home. Social Support and Social Interest: To experience a sense of well-being persons should have deep feeling of sympathy, and affection for human beings (social interest/altruism). That is, their ability to go beyond the personal to interpersonal establishing deep, profound interpersonal relationships and social support, to transpersonal, which is relating to the Divine in the social context of one’s life. These play a significant role in maintaining their psychological, social, and physical integrity over time (Witmer & Sweeny, 1992) and consequently the sense well-being. Attitude toward Death: Death can be understood as a natural process of transition from one stage of life to another. Depending on the meaning people attach to death, they fear death or embrace it as a natural transition with a sense of acceptance and surrender (Atchley, 1997). Accepting old age and death meaningfully makes life happier. Fear or acceptance of death is closely related to general satisfaction. According to (Moberg, 2001), when life is lived to the full, death becomes a fulfillment, a completion. Religion and Spirituality: Subjective aspects of religion and spirituality include religious identification, religious attitudes, values, beliefs, knowledge, and mystical/religious experiences. Religious experience provides a sense of meaning and purpose in daily life (Polner, 1989). Spirituality usually refers to a unique, personally meaningful experience of a transcendent dimension that is associated with wholeness and wellness (Westgate, 1996). Spiritual wellness is the dimension that permits the integration of one’s spirituality with the other dimensions of life, thus maximizing the potential for growth and self-actualization (Westgate, 1996). At this point of SWB research, there is already an idea of the variables which correlate with SWB. However, a better understanding of parameters that influences the relationships, the directions of influences between variables, and the different influences interact are still needed (Diener, 1984). Given the assumption that these features are deep cross-cultural, universally applicable, core characteristic features of well being sought by the aged, the researcher believed that the institutionalized care for the aged and their subjective sense of well-being is also context specific. An understanding of psychological well-being necessarily rely upon the moral visions that are culturally embedded and frequently culture specific (Christopher, 1999). In this context, one might ask how the institutionalized aged of Gladys Spellman experience the transition from mathru-pithru devobhava (mother and father are like gods) to institutionalized care, what their experience of the subjective well-being consisted in, and what might be the specific factors that would contribute to their sense of well being. It is possible that the western culture-specific factors of subjective well-being outlined above may not have the same relevance for the population under investigation. This study was expected to help understand the contextspecific aspects of well-being of the institutionalized aged.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Thin Film Solar Cell

Abstract: Solar energy is quite simply the energy produced directly from the sun and collected elsewhere, namely the Earth. Photovoltaic technology directly converts solar energy into electricity. Photovoltaic thin film solar cells are easy to handle , inexpensive and also easy to use. Thin film panel is flexible and can tolerate a bullet hole without failing and can greatly increase the surface area and the absorption coefficient needed to generate electricity. This paper will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the thin- film solar cell and also describe its application and how its work. Introduction: The solar cell is the latest technology around the world. The solar cell is also called a renewable energy source, because the capture the sunlight and convert it into the electrical energy. There are different types of solar cells, but the most important one is a thin- film solar cell. It is cost effective and its efficiency is greater than the other types of solar cells like thin film dye sanitized solar cell . Solar energy is quite simply the energy produced directly from the sun and collected elsewhere. All solar cells are made of silicon. Thin- Film Photovoltaic technology directly converts solar energy into electricity. Solar cells are made out of semiconducting material, usually silicon. The process of making a solar cell begins with taking a slice of highly purified silicon crystal, and then processing it through several stages involving gradual heating and cooling. Solar cells are based on semiconductor physics — they are essentially just a P-N junction photo-diodes with a very large light-sensitive area. Another common material for thin- film cells include Gallium Aarsenide (GaAs), Copper Indium Gallium Selenide, and gallium Phosphide. The most common types of photovoltaic cells are single-junction, multi-junction, and thin-film. A thin film panel is flexible and can tolerate a bullet hole without failing and can greatly increase the surface area and the absorption coefficient needed to generate electricity. Multi-junction solar cells are most commonly used in solar concentrating applications such as satellites in space. Today we use solar power to do many things. We use solar power for everything from calculators to large power plants that can power large cities. The most common applications for solar panels are used for small evices. The Solar cell technology research is continuing to create low-cost high-efficiency elements and the latest approaches in solar cell designs. Some countries do not have oil or do not have enough political and economic power to buy it or to produce it, but they receive more sunlight than others. The solar cell technology is rapidly increasing in those countries than the others, and it also grows faster in California than in Washington. Polycrystalline thin-film solar cells are based on those compounds which have the efficiencies up to 19. 2%. Nowadays, it is increased by 20. 4%. The Swiss Federal Laboratories for Material Science and Technology has recently developed a new thin-film solar cell with an efficiency of 20. 4%. Those cells are based on CIGS (copper indium gallium (DI) selenide) semiconductor material. The band gap on the top of the solar cell around 1. 6-1. 8 EV. The thin-film solar cells should be design by single-junction and also two- junction devices commonly used CIGS and CdZnTe. There are four different types of thin-film solar cell. 1. Amorphous silicon (a-Si) 2. Cadmium telluride (CdTe) 3. Copper indium gallium selenide (CIS/CIGS) 4. Organic photovoltaic cells (OPC) How Thin-Film Solar Cell Works: Thin-film solar cells are also called new generation of solar cell. This cell contains multiple layers of PV material. This new generation solar cells produce over 3700 megawatts of electrical energy in 2010. The main difference between the structure of normal silicon solar cells and thin film silicon solar cell is the thin flexible arrangement of the different layer as is shown as figure (1). The only advantage of that layer is to create a greater surface area for sunlight absorption and also it is very low weight and easy to use in cars and small devices. Figure (1) We use calculator everyday in our normal daily routine. These solar powered calculators have a small solar cell at the top corner of the calculator. These cells are built with thin –film technology. Most of them are very small about an inch long and ? inch wide. The thin-film solar cells are very thin that’s why they Called thin-film solar cell. Thin-film solar cell is different than the silicon wafer. Silicon wafer and thin-film solar cell have a light absorbing layer, but only difference is the thickness. The silicon wafer has 350 microns thick,but the thin-film solar cell has only one micron, and as result thin-film solar cell is very light weight compared to other solar cells. Thin-film solar cells are made of several layers. Those all layer helps to absorb light. As you can see in the figure (2). (Different layers in thin-film solar cell) Figure (2) On the other hand, some thin-film solar cell required the three functional layers from the multiple layers in a solar cell. These three have different important function. In the figure (a), show the front contact and back contact layers which have only one job to do and that’s is to provide the electrical contact with the solar cell from the outside the world. The figure (a) shows the basic theory of the different layer stack of the thin-film solar cell. Thin -film solar cell implemented by the different ways , but the three most common inorganic technologies are CuSe2 , CdTe solar cell, and also thin-film solar cell which has an amorphous and microcrystalline silicon absorber. There are three major types of thin-film solar cell. 1. Amorphous silicon (a-Si) 2. Cadmium Telluride (CdTe) 3. Copper indium gallium deselenide (CIGS). The (a-Si) solar cell is very commonly used and also easy to understand and implement it, but there are two major problems that cause this type of solar cell to have some drawbacks. The first problem is, silicon is very hard to find the market and buy it , because its demand often exceeds the supply. The second thing is, this type of solar cell has very low efficiency. This type of solar cell is also very thinner so they absorb sunlight in very less and on the other hand, they do not have enough power to absorb more. Therefore, they used in calculator and other very small and low power consuming devices. The Advantages of Thin-Film Solar Cell:1. Thin-film solar cell is very cheaper than the silicon solar cell2. They are also available in thin wafer sheet.3.More flexible and very easy to handle it.4. Less thinner than crystalline solar cell. It can be as thin . 001 mm or more, but the crystalline solar cells are . 15-. 2 mm thick.5. Easy to install on the rooftop with a rugged mounting system with tilt at a fixed degree.6. Thin film solar cells have better performance in the hot weather. See table (1) below.Table (1) | The efficiency of solar panel /%| Temperatur e /degree| a-Si thin film| Crystalline| 25 (STC)| 10| 16| 35| 8| 11| 45| 6| 6| 50| 5| 3. 5| The Disadvantages of Thin-Film Solar Cell: 1. Less efficient than the normal standard silicon and crystalline solar cell. See table (2) below. Table (2) Condition| Crystalline Efficiency Drop| Light San Francisco fog| 8%-15%| Heavy San Francisco fog| 15%-20%| Cloudy & raining| 20% – 50%| Heavy cloudy & raining| 50% – 90%| 2. They have complex structure. 3. Different version requires its own unique installation skills. 4. They are also not available for aerospace applications. 5. They faster to degrade than the other solar cells that’s why they always come with a shorter warranty. 6. They require a huge space so they are not good for most residential situations. Applications Of Thin-Film solar cell: Thin-film solar cell panels are used in many power applications. They are also used for outdoor and energy generating applications. These cells are very light weight and easy to use in homes and small business. They can be installed on the rooftops of the most homes. They use calculators, cars and other portable electronics. They are also used in cloths also enables the powering the iPod, iPad, and cell phones during the hiking. Thin film solar cells are used in mobile charger and led lights. Conclusion: The advancement of Photovoltaic thin film solar cell is increasing rapidly. The development and decisions on materials used in PV thin film solar cell are crucial when trying to achieve optimal performance for a good price. The discovery of the photoelectric effect and the concept of photons sparked interest of finding more ways to create efficient PV cells. The decisions on what materials to use in PV cells have paved the way for new developments and increased efficiency. When the first thin film solar cell was created it was around 1% efficient and with today’s innovations and engineering decisions efficiencies are now able to achieve up to 20. %. If this trend to improvement continues the way it has been over the past 40 years then the technology may pave the way for complete solar power generations . References: 1. Harris, William. â€Å"How Thin-film Solar Cells Work† 07 April 2008. HowStuffWorks. com. [22 march 2013]. 2. Mathias Aarre M? hlum. â€Å"Which Solar Panel Types is Best† Internet: http://energyinformative. org/best-sola r-panel-monocrystalline-polycrystalline

Friday, September 27, 2019

Describe the development of India's financial sector over the last Essay

Describe the development of India's financial sector over the last decade. Support your claims with as much as data possible - Essay Example n India 2003-04, talks about the appropriate timing of the entry of foreign banks into India so as to be co-terminus with the transition to greater capital account convertibility (Thankur, 1990). This shows that the economic policy establishment in India, including the RBI, has not drawn adequate lessons from the experiences of the financial crisis-affected countries. Besides, banks are the principal risk carriers in the system, taking in small deposits that are liquid and making relatively large investments that are illiquid and can be characterised by substantial income and capital risk. The observed tendency among some promoters or boards of banks to divert a substantial share of its deposits into speculative activities in which the promoter or board may be interested or into investments that are risky but promise quick returns, can increase financial fragility, lead to bank failures and if the magnitude of the failure is serious enough, can actually precipitate crisis for the entire financial system (Thankur, 1990). Instances in India such as the Nedungadi Bank and the Global Trust Bank are the harbingers of what may follow if reckless deregulation of the banking sector is carried out. In fact, the experience of recurrent financial crises in the 1990s, most famously the East Asian experience, has shown how banking deregulation along with capital market liberalization often serves as recipes for financial turmoil in developing countries (Desai, 1987). Many guidelines have stated among other things that no single entity or group of related entities would be allowed to hold shares or exercise control, directly or indirectly, in any private sector bank in excess of 10 % of its paid-up capital. Recognising that the 5th March notification by the Union Government had hiked foreign investment limits in private banking to 74%, the guidelines sought to define the ceiling as applicable on aggregate foreign investment in private banks from all sources (FDI, Foreign

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Summary Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Summary - Essay Example Reverse mortgages have drastically grown if to compare it with the 1990s. This is explained by the fact that for most American citizens, home is the most valuable asset. The reverse mortgages are convenient as they do not suggest the borrower should pay anything until the house is sold or the borrower dies. In addition, owners of homes are able to take cash out of homes to add to their retirement income. Homeowners who borrowed this way are obliged to pay property taxes and pay for homeowners’ insurance while they have the loan. The amount of people who borrow in a lump sum has risen and equals 70 per cent now. So, people risk being short of cash when they have health problems in case they took the money without really needing it. Many people borrow because they are misled by false marketing information that features celebrities and supports advertising with false claims that reverse mortgaging is a kind of government benefit. Reference Wyatt, E. (2012). Report Highlights a Ri se in Reverse Mortgages. The New York Times June 28, 2012. ... While the real course of action in the issue of Supreme Court’s decision regarding individual mandate in relation to the healthcare bill is still unknown and hard to predict, numerous bettors suggest the Supreme Court overturn the mandate when voting. This trend which has been supported by as many as 74 per cent of Intrade bettors is the opposite to the earlier one, which could be observed before oral arguments on the issue in March (Silver, 2012). Such huge shift in sentiment is evidently unjustified since the value of the information owned by traders is rather debatable. Indeed, oral arguments have certain power for predictions, thus, power is limited besides the evidence is ambiguous. Roughly chances are balanced, while the questions posed by individual justices are indicative of possible overturn of the mandate. Another possible way out of this situation is that the Supreme Court will not decide to rule on the mandate. However, it is hard to read the Supreme Court. Referen ce Silver, N. (2012). Overconfidence Suggested in Supreme Court Predictions. The New York Times June 27, 2012. Retrieved on July 4, 2012 from supreme-court-predictions/?scp=3&sq=market%20forecasting&st=Search. Linear Programming: Summary #3 â€Å"Big A.T. & T. Computer for Complexities† The problem of linear programming application to the sphere of big business is discussed below. The article shows how back in 1988, first successful attempts to use complex algorithms to solve business problems were made. Today the use of software is an indispensable part of any business, even the smallest one. A new powerful computer system was announced to be about to enter the U.S. market by the American Telephone and Telegraph

Respons Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Respons - Essay Example They will still have the same health problems and mortality rate as heavy smokers (Nagourney, 2006). Another risky behavior due to technological advancement is using phones while walking on the streets. Lately, distracted driving has been getting much attention than pedestrians who walk and send messages at the same time, but it is equally dangerous. Distracted walking, which is usually caused by an electronic devices is an increasing problem that occurs when one is trying to multi task. In this mobile phone era, there is an increase in accidents caused by cell phone users (Ritchel, 2010). According to Ritchel in his New York Times article, more than a thousand pedestrians were admitted in 2010 in the emergency rooms due to accidents that occurred while they were on their mobile devices. There is growing perception among young people that single tasking is a waste of time and unproductive and this makes them use phones while walking on the streets. Cell phone conversations demands not just auditory concentration, but the individual also tries to visualize the conversation thus obscuring the surrounding environment the individual is in. Accidents that occur when one is distracted by an electronic device are usually embarrassing since they could easily be

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Is organic produce really healthier than nonorganic - is organic Research Paper

Is organic produce really healthier than nonorganic - is organic really healthier - Research Paper Example xtent, the distinction between the organic produce and the nonorganic produce is realized based on the agricultural methods by which treatment of plant growth is carried out. At this stage, the farming processes for conventionally grown crops essentially differ from those implemented on the organics with respect to specific requirements that set the desired conditions for either approach. Eventually, this becomes the chief ground when traceable chemical substances or post-process residual components are detected on crops, causing possible threat to human health. By ‘organic’, the implications of the term pertain to the utilization of ecologically-balanced self-sustaining agricultural methods which abide by the application of wholly natural resources rather than synthetic derivatives in farming. Organic crops necessitate growth in natural soil and must be kept from alterations and be maintained at a sufficient distance from the slots reserved for the conventional counterparts. Applying pesticides and genetically engineered genes such as those of GMOs (genetically modified organisms) is a prohibited measure. Likewise, farmers are further regulated to get rid of both the sewage sludge-based and the petroleum-based fertilizers in aiding straight organic nourishment. Sources in managing pest control highly depend instead upon natural means with biodiversity through good insects, traps, birds, and other useful elements of nature with related properties. Similarly, restoring soil fertility is conducted using manure and compost whereas regulating weed may be performed manually via hand weeding or employing equally safer options as tilling, crop rotation, and mulching (Paul, et al). On the other hand, herbicides and insecticides are commonly utilized for weed and pest control purposes, respectively, as crops are made to develop in chemically fertilized soil. This way, nonorganic produce is often analyzed to contain significant levels of pesticides from which greater

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Effects of the First Opium War on Foreign Relationship in Qing Dynasty Essay

Effects of the First Opium War on Foreign Relationship in Qing Dynasty China - Essay Example The paper tells that before the first opium war, China had thrived economically and was looking forward to an even better future. China was isolationist in nature and did not trade with foreign countries. This nature of China therefore could not to fulfill England’s desire of trade with them. However, England looked for trade goods that would appeal to the Chinese, and so started exporting opium to China. However, China got into a conflict with England over opium trade, as they wished England to stop opium exportation to China due to its negative influence opium had in China. The British did not comply and this led to the first opium war between China and Britain. The first opium war had negative effect on Anglo-Chinese relationship in regard to the treaties signed afterwards, which favored the British and not the Chinese, and led to seceding of China’s Hong Kong island to the United Kingdom, hence leaving the Qing Dynasty in disgrace. As Melancon notes, this first opiu m war was responsible for the changes in Anglo-Chinese relationship experienced after the war and even today. The British benefited more from this war, as opposed to the Chinese. England had thought that opium was the most appropriate tool for balancing the trade deficit between them and China. The authorities in China later objected to opium trade, but this did not stop England. The main event which aggravated the first opium war was when in 1839, Lin Zexu, the Canton governor, destroyed opium amounting to 20,283 chests after forcing the British merchants to forfeit it, at Canton port. Later, British sailors murdered a Chinese citizen, hence building up tension between these two countries. The Queen then commanded British troops to take over Hong Kong. The first confrontation between the Chinese and British troops happened while the Chinese tried to prevent the British form entering Hong Kong. The British troops conquered the Chinese, killing many of them, and took over Shanghai, G uangdong, Chinese forts, as well as parts of the Canton city. This forced the Qing Dynasty to surrender to the British and the end of this war was concluded by signing the Treaty of Nanjing in 1842 (Perdue 29). By signing the treaty of Nanjing, the Chinese lost many rights of their sovereign state. In this treaty, the British were accorded five Chinese port cities, including all the trading rights. This led to the end of the Imperial monopolization of all foreign trade. The opening of foreign ships and the ports of Amoy, Canton, Fuzhou, Shanghai, and Ningbo opened China to foreign trade, thus ending their isolationist principles. In this treaty, China was also forced to hand over the Island of Hong Kong to the British for on a 99 years lease, which ended in 1997. This treaty also made china pay the British for the losses incurred during the war. China paid 6 million for the opium they destroyed, 12 million to cater for the cost of the war, and 3 million to the British merchants to c over the debts they owed them. All this amounted to 21 million, payable to the British in silver. This weakened China’s economy, considering the losses they had already suffered during the war (Carroll 9). One of the conditions in the Nanjing Treaty was that the laws of their countries and not the laws of China would rule the foreigners in China. This was exploitative to China and denied use of its rule of law over all the inhabitants in the country. The Nanjing treaty therefore left the Chinese helpless and overruled by the British and other foreigners. This treaty robbed the Chinese of their independence and eventually led to the downfall of the Qing dynasty. China was now dominated by foreign states, and this destroyed the legitimate rule of a central government in China. For instance, even after the war, opium was still considered illegal by the Chinese authorities, however, the British continued with this trade in China, yet China could take no action to

Monday, September 23, 2019

Innovation exploitation report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Innovation exploitation report - Essay Example The heat exchangers were mainly designed to extract heat energy from industrial waste but the grey water concept is to apply the same method to the waste water of the households. The company is looking forward to establish three modes of heat exchangers. The company needs to develop the heat exchanger, the connections, the sensors and the control system. Within a time span of three months - from June till the end of August - the company will develop and test heat exchangers and make them efficient enough to become a part of its main operations. The efficient system is crucial for acquiring significant market share. Adding the PVC coating gives additional efficiency plus it prevents contamination of clean water. With the help of a Gantt chart is scheduled for developing and testing the materials is included. The exact design that the company will manufacture will be protected by copyright laws and patents. The overall goal is to achieve efficiency by serving the customers’ need s and help contribute towards sustainable renewable energy systems. Waste heat from exhaust air, wastewater and refrigeration machinery can be used for space heating and hot water. Substantial amount of energy can be saved through this judicious use of heat exchangers (Harvey, 2006). The system has been in use successfully in various countries. For instance Herrera at al. (2003) showed with the use of just four heat exchangers in a complex in Mexico -a hospital, laundry, Sports Center with a swimming pool and a family healthcare unit – could save about 38% of thermal energy. A two-year independent study of heat exchanger systems installed in Britain’s houses observed a savings of 380 kWh and 500 kWh per person annually (AIMC4, 2014). The heat exchanger technology is being provided by LEED in the United States (Moore, 2013). The type of heat exchanger that the company is developing is very

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Classical studies Essay Example for Free

Classical studies Essay The Colosseum was the first permanent amphitheatre to be built in Rome. Its huge size, as well as the practical and efficient way it dealt with organising of events and ways of controlling large crowds in a safe manner makes it one of the greatest architectural buildings ever constructed in the Roman Empire and was a gift from Emperor Vespasian and finished under Emperor Titus. The building itself is a vast ellipse with tiers of seating for about 50,000 spectators around a central elliptical arena. There are 76 entrances into the amphitheatre to allow crowds to arrive and leave safely and quickly.  The architects had recognised the need for more permanent seating in the Colosseum as opposed temporary wooden benches or the piles of earth used in previous amphitheatres located in other cities. This was after all the centre of the known world and home to the Emperor and so had to be built on a grand scale never seen before. Firstly it had to be a safe place for people to visit and stay for periods of time. Many revolutionary safety devices were designed and attached to the Colosseum, such as the podiums that were built with top rollers that prevented the wild animals and convicts from climbing on top and into the crowd.  There is also the design of the exterior to consider. Despite the main activity going on inside the theatre, the design of the outside was equally if not more important. What it outwardly showed was very important to the Romans. The games were responsible for ridding the city of criminals and dangerous animals, it had to symbolise great power and splendour. The grand scale of the Colosseum was impressive but not overpowering, it was important that it was welcoming but large enough to entertain audiences in there thousands. PART TWO Essay Although they occupied one of the lowest rungs on the roman society ladder, Gladiators were widely regarded as some of the bravest members of roman society.  A gladiator was considered a professional fighter and apart from fighting other gladiators, would also pit his skills against animals in amphitheatres all over the empire. These battles started out as mere ceremonial bouts at funerals before evolving over 600 or so years into the sort of grand entertainment that we now think of as a typical day in the colosseum or indeed any of the amphitheatres around the republic and empire. The word Gladiator comes from the Latin gladiatores meaning swordsman, which in turn comes from the word gladius which was a short sword used by soldiers in the roman army. Gladiators were usually slaves or prisoners who were bought by a manager and trainer of gladiators (known as a lanista) in order to be trained as proper gladiators. There were also some free men who actually volunteered to be gladiators, no doubt looking for the celebrity that the profession offered successful entrants, a lot like children of today aspiring to becoming a famous footballer or cricketer. There were several different types of gladiators who were trained to excel in the use of different weapons, and wore different types of armour depending on the type of combat they were to enter. Some gladiators who had been prisoners of war used their native weapons and armour, and portrayed themselves as their native characters in battles, such as Gauls or Thracians.  The image often given of the Gladiator as a savage fighter might very well be just fiction. They were very skilled at what they did and like most people they would rather live than die. This is not so the case of criminals who fought and although given training, were not expected to live beyond a year. A gladiator who survived over three years was on occasion set free. It is now thought that fights may have been more civilised and theatrical than previously believed. The level of training these men undertook suggests that they would have been very good at putting on a show for the paying public and controlling movements, in the same way that the wrestlers of today are basically putting on a show. And even if the audience did order a gladiator dead at the conclusion of a match, it is highly probable that the opponent imposed only a superficial wound, in order to please the crowd. The losing gladiator might have then been dragged under the staging area and killed by an executioner undercover or allowed to recover and then resume his occupation a few months later under a new name. After all, it was all about entertaining the masses and making money for both the trainer and the owners of the venues. Because they were such expensive investments, gladiators were allowed the very best food and received the very best medical care available. In most cases Gladiators only fought 3 or 4 times a year so to stay fresh and make a big draw for the crowd who would undoubtedly had favourites from each troop of fighters who would roam from area to area fighting in different amphitheatres month after month. The games though were not only a source of entertainment for the citizens of the Roman empire, but many saw the chance to acquire fame, popularity, a reversal of lost fortunes and even freedom if they were lucky enough to survive. The games were primarily important because of what they offered those involved. Many people profited from the games, in particular those who hosted them. The games conveyed the habits of the upper class, for anyone who hosted the games it was a measure of their wealth as the expense was huge due to the number of beasts and fighters needed to entertain the crowd for any length of time. A new generation of traders and politicians found fame and popularity because they were able to spend great amounts to stage the games, which increased their status and influence within the upper social circle of the roman class system. Because of the way the games were held, it allowed the common people to mix with the upper classes at these events and on occasion win competitions for various luxury items, rather like the 1/2 time golden ticket draw held at most sporting events today. The games were not loved by everyone in roman society. As Cicero questions the measure of enjoyment the games can offer in C7 Pompeys shows, But what pleasure can it be to a man of refinement when either a powerless man is torn by a powerful beast, or else a magnificent beast is spitted on a hunting spear? What he is saying is if youve seen one man kill a beast youve seen it all and vice versa. The gladiator was looked upon as both a hero and a rogue depending on his route into the games and his ability to wow the crowd with his skills as both a warrior and an actor.  In conclusion, the gladiators were important because of what they could offer both the public and the wealthy in respect of status and prestige. The games were also important to Romans because of where they were held and what the amphitheatre conveyed, the very symbol of the politics of Rome.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Child Labour (Prohibition and Regulation) Act 1986

Child Labour (Prohibition and Regulation) Act 1986 BANDARI RAMESH Introduction Many of the countries are believed children are big resources of their country in the context of well being and development. According to the eminent person Herbert Hoover, 31st president of United States said that â€Å"children are our most valuable resources†. Therefore, government of the each country start many programs and laws for protecting children from various conditions. I would like to explore the topic about â€Å"Child labour (prohibition and regulation) act† in the year of 1986. Along with why government look into this act and provisions, what are the significant impacts of child labour by this act? These would be explained in the following paragraphs. First and foremost, what are the reasons behind causes of child labour, Child labour is socio-economic phenomenon. This phenomenon is trapped in vicious circle by poverty, illiteracy, unemployment, demographic expansion, deep social prejudices and above all the government interest are commonly consider as the most prominent causative factors for large scale employment children. It has been officially started that â€Å"child labour no longer of economic exploitation but it necessitated by economic necessity of the parents and many cases that of the chid himself†. Moreover, there are several causes which have failed to check out child labour. Particularly in India the causes of failure are poverty, low wage of the adult, unemployment, migration to urban areas, large families, lack of subsistence income and children ignorance by parents these are incentives to the children comprises in the activities. In order to tackle this problem government has initiated some acts before enacted this act that are Merchant Shipping Act, 1951 Mines Act, 1952 Motor Transport Workers Act, 1961 Beedi and Cigar Workers Act, 1966 Due to improper implementation of existing acts and the lack media coverage these acts sufficiently not benefited to children. That is why; government has taken step to reduce child labour in the field of formal and informal sector. At that time act was come out that is child labour (prohibition and regulation) in the year 1986. In addition, Indian constitution provides many provisions to the child, prohibited child labour and it also mention the rights of the child. They are, Article 23: prohibition of employment children from factories Article 39: certain principles of policy to be followed by state that are referring to the secure of children that the health and strength of workers, men and women and the tender age of age children are not abused and that citizens are not forced by economic necessity to enter evacuation and unsuited their age and strength. Article 45: provision for early childhood care and education to the children below the age of six years. Article 21-A: right education the state shall provide free and compulsory education to all children age of six to 14 year. Even though, children were exploited by the factories and small scale industries. Therefore, the government of India enacted that was â€Å"child labour (protection and prohibition)† in the year 1986. This is an act prohibit the involvement of children in certain employments of hazardous places and to regulate the conditions of doing work for the children in certain other employments of non hazardous nature. Although there are little legislation which prohibit employment of children below 14 years and 15 years in certain specified employments but there is no specified procedure laid down in the legislation for deciding matters relating to employment, occupation are processes which necessities the prohibition children employment therein. At the same time there is no law for regulating the working condition of the children in the most of the employments where employment of children is not explicitly prohibited and the children are working exploitative conditions. Therefore the m ain intension of this act basically, which is ban the employment of the children below the age of 14 years in the specified occupation and processes to lay down for procedure introducing modification to the schedule of banned occupations or processes from time to time whenever need arises to regulate the condition of the children in employment where they are not prohibited works to prescribe the enhanced penalties employment for children if they are violation by the employers and management as per the child labour(prohibition and regulation) act 1986 the committee addressed that is â€Å"child† means a person who has not completed 14 years old the act prohibit employment of children in engaging 18 occupations like, transport at passengers and goods or mails by railway, work relating to the at construction and railway works, foundries, handloom and power loom industry, mines and plastic factories, domestic houses and automobile workshops and garages. Similarly, 65 process works for example, beedi making, carpet weaving, manufacture of matches and explosive or fireworks as well different industries, factories, coal mines, manufacture industry above these placed in part A, part B areas. Regarding these works children are prohibited by this act under the act, â€Å"the child labour technical advisory committee† constituted to advice the central government for the purpose of additions of occupations and processes in the schedule parts the act regulates the condition of all employment in all occupations and processes The main provisions are, no child shall be permitted to work in any establishment in excess of such number of hours, as may be prescribed for such class of establishment. The period of work each day shall be fixed no time to exceed three hours and that no child should not work more than 3 hours. Moreover, every child employed in an establishment shall be allowed in each week, a holiday or whole day, which day shall be specified by the occupier In a notice, every occupier shall maintain, in respect of children employed or permitted work in any establishment, register should be available for inspection by n inspector at all times during working hours or when work is being carried on there is tendency first, should be noted nm end date of birth of the every child employed to work, hours and periods of work of any such child on the intervals of rest to which is entitled, the nature of work such child, like that related information should be prescribed. In addition, the government made ga zette form for chid basis on health and safety on the children employed as well addressed minimum amenities should be provided by the owner at the working places. When the children are working in hazardous places it is found by someone he has right to complaint to the near police station. In addition, consequences of child labour, it is impact children physical and mental growth development as well health disease like, respiratory problem, skin disease, they will become disabled, bone fractured. These are lead to ill development. Interventions Education is very important part of the development. Lack of schooling and engaging family needs daily then, studies have found low enrolment and high children employment, schools are the platforms for the early intervention against child labour. Child labour can be controlled by economic development increasing awareness and making education affordable across all levels, and enforcement of all anti child labour laws. The government of India has taken certain initiative to control child labour started a program in 9 district that is â€Å" NATIONAL CHILD LABOUR PROJECT (NCLP)† under the schemes funds given to the district collector for running special school for child labour as well under this scheme provides formal and non-formal education, vocational education and spends 100 rupees per month. In one hand, how this act impacts on children life, primarily, based on this act government has expended this act in 2008. As well as, two acts were came that are â€Å"the juvenile justice (care and protection) in 2000, this act made prevent the bondage child labour as well if any one procure the children for domestic and industry works those persons punished by regarding this act. In the year of 2009, government has made act for education to the child that is â€Å"Right to education (RTA)† by this act free and compulsory education to all children between six to fourteen years. According to this act government has addressed that 25 percent of seats should be allocate for the disadvantages people. Moreover, between the 1981 to 1991 national sample survey organization conducted 43rd round of surveys it’s convey that the estimates the number of children was to the tune of 17.30 millions. As per the 1991 census, revealed that the number of working children in India was 1 1.28 million. This Number gradually decreasing in the following years. Because implementation of labour act by the legislation. The 1998 national census of India estimated the total number of child labour to be at 12.6 million out of total 250 million of child population. This count was reduced to 5 million in the year 2009. The 2011 national census of India found that the national number of child labour , aged five to fourteen to be 4.30 million out of the total 260 child population. By this enumerate we have observed child labour was gradually reducing due to child labour acts as well another government schemes. For example, in the â€Å"domestic households† before implementation of act the children are working in restaurant and as a domestic labour more than 20 million than when the government of expanded the child labour prohibition and regulation act and banned the children from domestic works as result of, as per the 2011 census, less than 0.1 million children are engaged as a child l abours. In addition, effect of this child labour act 1986, influence on children education and health as well as human development these all are contributed to increasing Indian economy and human development index. This act has impacted on education of children as well it is lead to improve aggregate literacy rate by in the year 1981 total average literacy rate is around 44 percent. This was increased to 52.3percent in the year of 1991, as per the 2011 this literacy rate was increased to 74 percent we observed contribution of provision of act stop to children in work places and push them in to schooling as well according to the 2011 census, children are engaging a fewer in the factories and industry as a result, child death rates were gradually decreased. On the other hand, loopholes and weakness in the child labour (prohibition and regulation) act 1986, while prohibiting bonded child labours from hazardous industries also allow it to thrive in other forms. A child working in a factory consider hazardous and is not to allowed. But if the child is a part of family labour, he is allowed to work. Hence the act 1986 has a large scope of exploitation of children. If they could be brings under the family-child labour phenomena. Eventually, poverty is one of the important factors of raising child labour. Hence enforcement alone cannot help solve it. So the government has been laying lot of emphasis rehabilitation of these children and should be improving economic condition of their families. In India many NGO’s working for eradicate child labour like, CARE and CHILD ROGHT TO YOU, government need to boosting these NGO’s, similarly, government need to enforcing right to education in the tribal areas. Moreover, government has to be expanded NCLP schemes to maximized districts. Government should be takes a fore step to domestic child labour and extract laws from other countries and implement in India. As well, Supreme Court shall takes significant steps whether punishment or control for exploitation of articles 23, 24 and 21A. Individually who are educated they should be provide awareness to ST’s, SC’s and below poverty level people about important of child for our country development . References Fuller, R.G., (1994), â€Å"Child Labour and Constitution†, Ashish Publishing House,  New Delhi, page no.283. Dewan, V.K.,(2009), â€Å"Child labour A Socio-legal Perspective†, pentagon publication,  NewDelhi, p.582. Purushottam kumar,p., (2010,june 25), â€Å"Need to look in to Child Labour act 1986†, Lawers  Club India website., google.